Law school essays
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Brazilian history, provided that it bears the topic of race in some Research Paper
Brazilian history, given that it bears the subject of race here and there - Research Paper Example In â€Å"The Transatlantic Slave Trade: A History,†James A. Rawley and Stephen D. Behrendt express: The Brazilian's craving for slaves was voracious. For three centuries Brazil would expend more African slaves than would any of the Atlantic world. Grower, sugar plant proprietors, white craftsmans, and in time dig administrators clamored for slaves. Three seaside districts - Pernambuco, Bahia, and Rio de Janeiro - required slave work for their economies.1 (Rawley and Behrendt, 2005) The Sugar Revolution was advanced by European pilgrims in Brazil alongside other financial undertakings identifying with cultivating, mining, wood, and characteristic assets. The Portuguese got the essential pilgrim enthusiasm for Brazil because of the Papal Line of Demarcation which perceived Spain’s provincial sway in different pieces of the New World. In building a pilgrim organization, the Portuguese were a minority and their techniques were unfamiliar to the indigenous populace based ge nerally in means cultivating. The ascent of the ranch framework gave two principle points of interest to the settlers. The first was a legitimate acknowledgment of their property possession, which asserted tremendous tracts of the best indigenous customary grounds for their very own proprietorship, constructing a chain of importance of riches and influence on this premise. The subsequent bit of leeway was in monetary misuse, as the manors were structured as early types of farming large scale manufacturing so as to empower surplus creation and fare. In cultivating a lot a greater number of items than required by neighborhood utilization, the settlers could sell mass amounts of sugar and different items to brokers who might sell them in different provinces and Europe. This made the progression of riches, status, and influence that filled expansionism monetarily. By and by, the Brazilian pioneers depended on African slave work to an a lot higher degree than different states. One explan ation behind this is Brazil’s regular vicinity to Africa which decreased expenses for slave brokers and could be crossed a lot faster for a benefit. In the main portion of the seventeenth century more than one-portion of all slaves brought into the Americas were conveyed to Brazil. The cozy connection among sugar and subjugation was built up ahead of schedule; and in the 'sugar unrest' that saw the blast of sugar development in the British and French Caribbean in the second 50% of the century, Brazil kept on being the main New World shipper of oppressed Africans.2 These slaves had to work in the warmth of Brazil’s condition in hard work under danger of death, however battled and figured out how to keep up the nobility and culture of their African customs in the new nation. Slaves even between wedded with the indigenous and European populaces to make another age of descendents that can be viewed as local Brazilians, and delegate of the country’s recorded advancem ent. The aftereffect of this procedure of colonization and slave exchange was that a huge number of African slaves were brought to Brazil by brokers for take a shot at provincial estates from the sixteenth to nineteenth century. UNESCO appraises throughout this period, almost 4,000,000 Africans were brought to Brazil in monetary bondage. â€Å"The blacks, purchased in Africa, navigated the Atlantic Ocean in horrible conditions in vessels called 'dark boats'. As
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Varsity blues Free Essays
Varsity Blues In the film Varsity Blues,†not every person can acknowledge what a modest community Friday night feels like. Living underneath a magnifying lens. The entire town in the stands. We will compose a custom paper test on Varsity blues or on the other hand any comparable point just for you Request Now You can essentially fell them breathing down your neck condemning each move, each play the group makes. That’s what it felt like for the young men from West Canaan. Regardless of how extreme things get you can generally go to bat for yourself, companions, and family. Growing up the primary characters Mix, Lance, Billy Bob, and Tweeter were a band f siblings and remained together all through secondary school. True to form of numerous secondary schools winning a locale title in football is true to form as graduating. That’s what these children from West Canaan lived for. During their senior year, the young men face numerous hardships en route. As commander of the group and symbol of the town, quarterback Lance, gets a knee injury tossing the entire season In a tail turn. His long time companion Mix is given control to the group as well as for the town. No one accepts he can fill the shoes of the star he’s supplanting. Blend doesn’t comprehend the duty he’s given and attempts to keep his impassive demeanor. As his season carries on his demeanor changes. He goes from being and normal understudy to an arrogant ordinary Sock to absorb his fame. After his first misfortune he gets a total rude awakening. As the group Is confronted with hardships welcomed on by their lead trainer Killer. Executioner has pushed these young men unreasonably hard for a really long time and they at long last pushed back. Executioner was the reason for Lance’s knee Injury as he drove sedative shots Into his knee and encourages It to be done to another Injured partner. This demonstration causes the young men o confront their beast of a mentor. They leave Killer an opportunity to run while he can or they will mention to everybody what he has been doing. This demonstration of chivalry spares numerous players from criticize and even Injury. This film shows the enthusiasm of humble community sports and the weight of living under the amplifying glass In an unassuming community. Football In the province of Texas Is Like no what other place In the nation. You grow up playing with your closest companions and will figure out how to consistently suck things out with your genuine siblings. Varsity blues By humoring 995 quarterback Lance, gets a knee injury tossing the entire season in a tail turn. His As the group is confronted with hardships welcomed on by their lead trainer Killer. Executioner was the reason for Lance’s knee injury as he drove sedative shots into his knee and encourages it to be done to another harmed partner. This demonstration causes the young men players from disparage and even injury. This film shows the enthusiasm of unassuming community sports and the weight of living under the amplifying glass in a modest community. Football in the province of Texas resembles no what other place in the nation. You grow up playing with your closest companions and will figure out how to consistently stick things out with your genuine siblings. Instructions to refer to Varsity blues, Papers
Sunday, August 2, 2020
Bad Credit Lenders Are No Suicide Squad
Bad Credit Lenders Are No Suicide Squad Real Bad Guys Arent Fun: Why Bad Credit Lenders Are No Suicide Squad Real Bad Guys Arent Fun: Why Bad Credit Lenders Are No Suicide SquadPredatory lenders and their bad credit loans aren’t nearly as fun as Batman villains, and they’re also far more dangerous …Bad guys and their bad credit loansThe best part of any superhero movie is the villain, right? From Lex Luthor to Magneto to The Joker, villains are just more fun. They get the best lines, the funniest jokes, and they have the most memorable moments. So why not make a movie that has nothing but villains? Wouldn’t that kinda maybe sorta be the best superhero movie of all?Enter Suicide Squad, which opens nationwide today: It’s basically a Batman movie without all the pesky Batman parts. The movie should finally give audiences a chance to do what they’ve always wanted to: openly root for the bad guys.In real life, however, things are a little different. Bad guys in the movies are fun, but in the real world, the villains usually arent that witty, none of them dress in wacky costumes, and most do their damage with decimals and spreadsheets, not exploding clown grenades. Take predatory payday loans and title loans, for example: they take advantage of people with low incomes and bad credit scores in communities across the nation. And they do it in the dullest way possible: with high interest rates, short terms, and lump sum repayment requirements. So this weekend, while everyone is rooting for the bad guys in Suicide Squad, take some time to consider these facts about what real villainy looks like in the world of bad credit loans:They liePredatory payday and title lenders will tell you that their products are only meant to cover short-term cash shortfalls, not long-term needs. In fact, if people with bad credit only used these loans to cover short-term needs, it would put the industry out of business. A whopping 80 percent of payday[1] and title loans[2] are the result of someone taking out multiple loans in a row.They set trapsThe average payday loan customer owes app roximately $430 to the lender; and due to the way these loans are structured, they have to pay all that money back at once. For people with high-paying jobs and good credit this wouldn’t be a problem, However, given that the average payday loan customer has less-than-perfect credit and can only afford less than $100 a month on their loan, they usually have to roll the loan over again and again just to be able to pay it off![3]They prey on the weakPayday and title lenders charge Annual Percentage Rates (APRs) over 300 percent. That’s ridiculous! But they are able to get away with it by targeting borrowers who have almost no better options. Their customers are usually folks with bad credit, meager savings, and an average income of only $26,167.[4] These are people who can’t simply go to the bank and get approved for a personal loan; they think bad credit loans from payday and title lenders are their only way out. Like many predators before them, these lenders always go for the w eakest members of the herd.They’re everywhereWith more than 20,000 locations nationwide, there are more payday loan storefronts than there are McDonalds![5] We’re not loving it.Unlike the characters in Suicide Squad, there’s no rallying this group of villains to fight for a worthy cause. The only solution for predatory lending is to wipe it out entirely. And while the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has recently taken steps to curb predatory lending in the United States, government action alone is simply not enough. People with bad credit who can’t get approved for a traditional loan also need safe, affordable alternatives (read more in Borrowers Deserve Better than a Payday Loan: The Story Behind the 36% APR Benchmark).OppLoans: The hero you need and deserveThat’s where OppLoans comes in. We offer personal installment loans that folks with bad credit can actually afford. Our loans come with longer terms (6 to 36 months), so you don’t have to rollover or refi nance your loan just to pay it off. Plus, we have interest rates that are 70 to 125 percent less than other personal lenders, and we don’t charge any application or prepayment fees. Our loans are designed to be paid off in a series of fixed, regular payments that can fit into even the tightest budget.At OppLoans, youll get a loan thats stable, responsible, and safeâ€"with no surprises. Well leave the clowning around to those other jokers.ReferencesBurke, K., Lanning, J., Leary, J., Wang, J. (2014, March). CFPB Data Point: Payday Lending., S. (2013, July). Car-Title Lending. Retrieved from, N., Horowitz, A., Roche, T. (2013, February). Payday Lending America: How Borrowers Choose and Repay Payday Loans. Retrieved from 1%29.pdfPayday Loans and Deposit Advance Products. (2013, April 24). Retrieved from, J. (2014, November 24). There Are More Payday Lenders in U.S. Than McDonalds. Retrieved from
Saturday, May 23, 2020
How to Revise Your Paper for Clarity
Writing and revising a paper is a time-consuming and messy process, and this is exactly why some people experience anxiety about writing long papers. It’s not a task that you can finish in a single sittingâ€â€that is, you can’t if you want to do a good job. Writing is a process that you do a little bit at a time. Once you come up with a good draft, it’s time to revise. Ask yourself the following questions as you go through the revision process. Does the Paper Fit the Assignment? Sometimes we can get so excited about something we find in our research that it sets us off in a new and different direction. It’s perfectly fine to veer off in a new direction, as long as the new course doesn’t lead us outside the bounds of the assignment. As you read over a draft of your paper, take a look at the directional words used in the original assignment. There is a difference between analyze, examine, and demonstrate, for example. Did you follow the directions? Does the Thesis Statement Still Fit the Paper? A good thesis statement is a vow to your readers. In one single sentence, you stake a claim and promise to prove your point with evidence. Very often, the evidence we gather doesn’t â€Å"prove†our original hypothesis, but it does lead to new discovery. Most writers have to re-work the original thesis statement so it accurately reflects the findings of our research. Is My Thesis Statement Specific and Focused Enough? â€Å"Narrow your focus!†You’re very likely to hear that many times as you progress through the grades--but you shouldn’t get frustrated by hearing it time and again. All researchers have to work hard at zooming in on a narrow and specific thesis. It’s just part of the process. Most researchers revisit the thesis statement several times before they (and their readers) are satisfied. Are My Paragraphs Well-organized? You can think of your paragraphs as little mini-essays. Each one should tell its own little story, with a beginning (topic sentence), a middle (evidence), and an end (concluding statement and/or transition). Is My Paper Organized? While your individual paragraphs may be well-organized, they may not be well-positioned. Check to make sure that your paper flows from one logical point to another. Sometimes good revision starts with good old cut and paste. Does My Paper Flow? Once you make certain that your paragraphs are placed in a logical order, you will need to revisit your transition statements. Does one paragraph flow right into another? If you run into trouble with, you might want to review some transition words for inspiration. Did you Proofread for Confusing Words? There are several pairs of words that continue to vex the most accomplished writers. Examples of confusing words are except/accept, whose/who’s, and effect/affect. It’s easy and quick to proofread for confusing word errors, so don’t omit this step from your writing process. You can’t afford to lose points for something so avoidable!
Monday, May 11, 2020
Police Officers And The Police Force - 1310 Words
â€Å"You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you.†Most of us know exactly who says this and what it means. The only problem is that this quote is the extent of our knowledge as an outsider to the Greensboro Police force. I was able to get an inside look at what really happens in a day in the life of an everyday police officer. I spent two days at the department observing the officers and riding alongside one in the police car. Throughout my experience I learned that most of the stereotypes I had about police officers were completely wrong. One of the first officers I talked to was Corporal Donaldson, who is also my father. I asked him about his experiences with the general public. He told me that†¦show more content†¦However despite this there are many more problems that police officers have to deal with like disrespect from the public. I asked the officers what one word is that really stands out to them as blatant disrespe ct, 90 percent of them told me that word was pig. A â€Å"pig†is a slang term which is used to disrespect a police officer. Most officers say they will just ignore this but according to state law â€Å"it is illegal to make or use any utterance, gesture, display or abusive language that is intended to and likely to provoke violent retaliation.†About 5 of the 20 officers I interviewed told me they have arrested people for repeatedly calling them a pig. Not only is this a normal reply, but most people, including me, do not know that officers can do this. While I was riding around in the patrol car with Officer Hank I saw firsthand that many people do not respect police officers. One person who he pulled over cursed, yelled, and all together disrespected Officer Hank due to their taillight being out after already being warned. Officer Hank told me he was not going to give them a citation before they disrespected him. I also found that when officers where cameras people are less likely to be disrespectful to them. My dad always wears a camera when he is patrolling and besides people pulling the â€Å"race card†disrespect is something he rarely has to deal with. Another key factor is the gender of the officer in
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Great Gatsby has been described as a definitive record of the glamorous side of the Jazz Age Free Essays
The Great Gatsby is full of lavish spending, huge parties and all round hedonistic enjoyment, showing a ‘definitive record of the glamorous side’ of the 1920s on every level. America in the 1920s had the highest living standard in the world, the United States owned around 40% of the entire world’s wealth, with this money the established rich spent their time living a glamorous lifestyle. In the 1920s the class of the established rich certainly knew how to be glamorous, as Fitzgerald shows through Daisy and Tom Buchanan. We will write a custom essay sample on The Great Gatsby has been described as a definitive record of the glamorous side of the Jazz Age or any similar topic only for you Order Now The Buchanan’s house was ‘more elaborate’ then Nick expected, it was a ‘Georgian Colonial mansion,’ and they also had luxury items such as a ‘motor boat’ and ‘horses.’ Tom obviously took pride in his house and processions, saying that he has ‘got a nice place.’ The money was also spent immorally; they always seem to have a plentiful amount of alcohol, like ‘the cocktails’ which Tom drank like ‘it was a drop on the bottom of a glass’ showing he must drink a lot. This alcohol was bought illegally as prohibition was in place from 1920 to 1933 which banned the manufacture, sale and transportation of liquor in the USA. RACISM Not only did the established rich have luxury items, they also did not work for their money, giving them plenty of free time to spend as they please, Jordan Baker had enough time to take up golfing, and ‘play in tournaments.’ Yet with all this money and free time the Buchanan’s lives are unfulfilled as they have spiritual goals, Daisy is unhappy in life and questions her purpose in life by saying ‘What shall we do this afternoon? And the day after? And the next thirty years?’ this showing the darker side to the 1920s. Fitzgerald shows glamour through Gatsby’s extravagant parties, Gatsby is new money as he worked for his money. From Gatsby’s ridiculous quantities of oranges to ‘the orchestra’ which played at his parties, Gatsby made sure that his parties were glamorous. At first Gatsby’s parties seem magical, as Gatsby’s ‘blue gardens were alive with the whispering and the champagne and the stars.’ The ‘floating rounds of cocktails permeated the garden’ and the ‘air was alive with chatter and laughter,’ everybody seemed to be having a fantastic time. Fitzgerald and his wife Zelda would have known first-hand how glamorous these jazz age parties were as they often attended them and they lived a glamorous life style. Yet underneath the glamour of Gatsby’s parties we see the bleaker side of the 1920s. Fitzgerald shows the work put in to the parties, to make the orange juice a butler had to press ‘a little button†¦ two hundred times.’ After the parties ‘eight servants†¦ toiled all day with mops and scrubbing-brushes†¦ repairing the ravages of the night before,’ as the party guests left so much destruction in their way. Gatsby’s parties may be glamorous but he paid a great deal to make them this way. It is alleged that Gatsby made his money immorally, by bootlegging, Tom suggests this when he said ‘I picked him for a bootlegger the first time I saw him.’ It was easy to make money illegally in the 1920’s, due to prohibition many found it easy to sell alcohol over the counter or to speakeasies, which were secret bars in the 1920s, these people were often called bootleggers. This was an illegal way of getting the money; showing unglamorous, illegal acts were done to make these glamorous parties. Therefore alcohol in Gatsby’s parties was plentiful, he even had his own bar, but this alcohol led to carelessness as owl eyes was ‘drunk for about a week’ and alcohol also lead to recklessness in the form of car crashes, and violent actions with women ‘kicking off into the night, dragged away by men said to be their husbands.’ Gatsby paid a great amount of money but did the guests really care about their host? Nick was ‘one of the few guests, who had actually been invited,’ and of all of the guests who were at Gatsby’s parties only one came to his funeral, this shows the caring attitude and shallowness of people in the 1920s. Despite the unprecedented economic growth and excessive glamorous spending during the 1920s, the gap between rich and poor became increasingly prevalent. As most of the characters are very wealthy the rich and glamorous atmosphere defines the novel’s tone, the focus on the upper class lifestyle gives the novel a mood of extravagance. However, this society is contrasted with the poverty of those living near the Valley of Ashes; which is based on T.S Elliott’s poem ‘The Wasteland’. Like Elliott’s wasteland, the Valley of Ashes is a hideous image of a spiritually dead world, a symbol of the collapse of moral values after the chaos of the war. In the Great Gatsby we see how the Wilson’s live, which is a stark contrast from the Buchannan’s glamorous lifestyle. Nick could not believe that the Wilson’s lived in such a place, he thought the ‘garage must be a blind, and that sumptuous and romantic apartments were concealed overhead. ’ Their lifestyle is so unglamorous; it gives the darker side of the Jazz age. Myrtle Wilson tried hard to climb the classes by having an affair with Tom Buchannan, but even the apartment he provides for her is small and Tom treats her badly, he even breaks her nose, in his eyes she will always be lower than Daisy. George also tries very hard to make his money honestly, when Tom comes in he is so eager to have some business, George is a failure of the American Dream, he will never achieve the glamorous lifestyle he wants to provide. How to cite The Great Gatsby has been described as a definitive record of the glamorous side of the Jazz Age, Papers
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Miss Essays - Financial Markets, Corporate Finance, Investment
Lots of people are going through private equity recruiting this time of year, so let?s take a look at what to expect and how to tackle the case study ? a critical part of most buy-side interviews. Note that these ?case studies? are completely different from the ?case interviews? you get in management consulting (not that I would even waste space on consultants here, but just to clarify?). Why? Although I labeled these ?private equity case studies? above, you?ll encounter them in almost every buy-side interview, from mega-funds to tiny 4-person firms to everything in between. Not all hedge funds do them, but any fund that does some long-term investing (as opposed to effectively day-trading) will usually make you complete some type of case study as part of the interview process. Sometimes they?re formal and sometimes they?re informal, but they?re always important ? if you screw yours up, you probably won?t be moving onto the next round or getting an offer. Who? No matter your profile or previous background, you?ll encounter case studies if you?re trying to move into private equity. So even if you?re a consultant or you?re moving in from a different field altogether, you will still have to complete case studies. No one ever says, ?Oh, well you you didn?t do much modeling so we can just skip that part of the interview.? Instead, they assume that you know how to do it and then weed out people who don?t. Even if you are applying to PE firms straight out of undergrad, or you?re applying as an intern, you?re still likely to get case studies ? multiple friends who did this had case studies pretty much everywhere. The only exception here is senior-level hires ? but then, if you?re reading this right now you?re probably not interviewing for Partner-level positions? What? The case study is designed to answer 1 simple question: ?Should we invest in this company The firm could ask you to complete the case study in a couple different ways: Most Common: You get materials on the company they want you to analyze (financial statements, 5-10 page document describing it, maybe some outside research) and you have anywhere from a few days to a week to complete a short presentation. Part of the Interview: Some places will make the case study a part of the interview itself ? they might give you basic information on the company and then give you 2-3 hours to do your work and present to them immediately afterward. More common at mega-funds. Just the LBO Model: This is less common, but they could also give you 30 minutes to create a ?simple? LBO model of a company just to verify that you actually know how to do this. This article will focus mostly on #1 and #2, since #3 is just a sub-set of those. Hedge funds are less ?formal? than PE firms if they ask you to do a case study at all, and in other fields like corporate development and venture capital you?ll either have more of an informal case study, or you won?t do one at all. Case Study Ingredients At the bare minimum, you?ll usually get some type of Word document describing the company in question (called an ?Information Memorandum? (IM) or ?Offering Memorandum? (OM) or ?Executive Summary? in banker terminology). It might be short (10 pages or less) or it might be quite long ? dozens or even 100+ pages. If you?re analyzing a public company, they might just point you to the 10-K or 10-Q (annual report and quarterly report, respectively) instead. It?s rare to get extremely detailed operating models because you don?t have time to go into pages of detail. Outside research is similarly rare. The firm usually won?t give you guidance on how to value the company or how to build your models, but that?s for an entirely different reason: they want you to figure it out. Structure: Simple FTW! Simplicity is the most important word for your case study. If they don?t give you a structure to adhere to, I would recommend the following: 1 Summary slide in the beginning. 2-3 Qualitative slides discussing the market, management, and anything unique to the deal. 3-4 Quantitative slides that go into the appropriate valuation, and what kind of returns the firm can expect. 1 Conclusion slide summing up everything and
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